Consider This Archive

Every week during the academic year, the Chaplain’s Office Telegram lets all subscribers know what’s new in the chaplain’s office and in religious life across campus.  The telegram ends with Consider This, where one of our staff writes a short reflection for the week.  Feeling particularly reflective?  Browse our consider this archive below.

If you’d like to recieve these every week, sign up for the telegram here.

Consider This Archive: 2024-2025

  • Reflection by Jamie Nachtigall, 02/17/2025

    These are challenging days. Nearly everywhere we look in the world, we are confronted with difficulties, suffering, and pain or the anxious…

  • Reflection by Sumi Kim, 02/10/2025

    Some years ago, one of my Buddhist teachers made a comment that caught my attention. “The root of anger is not fear,” she said, “but powerlessness…

  • Reflection by Ian Oliver, 02/03/2025

    In times that can feel anxious or chaotic, I can find it helpful to ask myself about how I’m grounded.  What centers me and helps calm me?   What…

  • Reflection by Ben Crome, 1/27/2025

    As the chill of winter continues and I try to step outside as little as possible, I have been thinking about anchorites.

  • Reflection by Leenah Safi, 1/21/2025

    Just a few days ago I was in in the cities of Madina and Mecca for a pilgrimage known as Umrah with a group of students and community members…

  • Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 01/14/2025

    As we begin this new semester, I find myself craving spaces for grounding. There is so much whirling around us that makes me feel somewhat…

  • Reflection by Sumi Kim, 12/02/2024

    When we arrive to an extraordinarily diverse place like Yale, we may be surprised upon encountering other religions and variations of our family’s…

  • Reflection by Jamie Nachtigall, 11/18/2024

    As Chaplaincy Manager, much of my day can be wrapped up in emails and spreadsheets and administrative tasks. Recently, I stepped away from that…

  • Once and Future

    We painted dawn into midnight  Out of cement ceilings  we made skylights  From gravel, we crafted fine and delicate chandeliers  hung them…

  • Reflection from the Chaplain's Office, 11/4/2024

    As we move through this season, the Chaplain’s Office offers a gentle reminder that we are here for you through all the complexities of being human…

  • Reflection by Leenah Safi, 10/28/2024

    Are you open to a chance meeting as you go about your day?  The paved walkways of Old Campus are not the most efficient nor the most sensible. They…

  • Reflection by Asha Shipman, 10/21/2024

    “What if we stopped seeing rest as a reward for what we have just done and we started to see it as a preparation for what we are about to do?”

  • Reflection from the Chaplain's Office, 10/07/2024

    Today is October 7th, 2024, and our communities on campus have been in a year of mourning, grief, and sorrow. Naming our sorrow feels at once…

  • Reflection by Ben Crome, 09/30/2024

    Anyone who’s stopped by the front desk in the Chaplain’s Office – or seen some of the little figures dotted about – may already know that I’m…

  • Reflection by Ian Oliver, 09/23/2024

    The semester is well underway, and alongside all the projects and plans and performances, come conflicts and late nights and worries.  For me, I…

  • Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 09/16/2024

    Generosity isn’t simply restricted to financial giving, but rather it is a virtue that everyone can possess if we reimagine what being generous…

  • Reflection by Jenny Peek, 09/09/2024

    Two weeks ago I was locked out of the Chaplain’s Office. I left my Yale ID in my office after walking a colleague out of Old Campus to help her…

  • Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 09/03/2024

    From Maytal Saltiel’s opening assembly invocation:

    Loving and holy spirit called on by many names; creator and sustainer of life, we gather here…