Consider This Archive: 2021-2022
Consider This Archive: 2021-2022
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 11/08/2021
So, this is written completely extemporaneously and with, as ever, a whole mess of convoluted thoughts and feelings at this particular…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 04/25/2022
We are coming to the end of what has felt like a nearly impossible year of teaching and learning and yet, you, we, did it! We are finishing. Maybe…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 04/18/2022
I find myself again at a loss for words, which honestly isn’t a frequent occurrence—there’s nothing like penning a Consider This to make one’s mind…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 04/11/2022
This is week and the month of April in general is abundant with religious holy days of many traditions. We are in the midst of Ramadan and…
Reflection by Rendé Wilson, Senior Administrative Assistant, 04/04/2022
Do you have someone you can depend on?
I recently joined a book club and we are reading How We Show Up by Mia Birdsong. In one of the chapters…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 03/28/2022
The Muslim lunar month of Ramadan begins this weekend, April 2nd. For over 1.5 billion Muslims around the world, Ramadan is the most sacred month…
Reflection by Ian Oliver, 03/14/2022
I was trying to tie a special necktie the other day in an unusual knot that I rarely use, and I had to think hard to remember how to do it…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 03/07/2022
I usually jump at the opportunity, such as when penning a Consider This reflection, to pop off about the current object of my ruminations…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 02/28/2022
These words originally shared by Chaplain Kugler at the Vigil for Peace on Sunday, 2/27/22.
My Beloved Yale Family…
Reflection by Sumi Kim, 02/21/2022
An Image for What Healing Looks Like
Sumi Loundon Kim, Buddhist Chaplain
When we think of physical healing, we might think of the way in which…
Reflection by Jenny Peek, 02/14/2022
In the final months of my senior year of college, a mentor gave me a piece of advice that shifted my relationship to my future…
Reflection by Asha Shipman, 02/06/2022
This past weekend many Hindus around the world celebrated Vasant Panchami, a holy day honoring a feminine aspect of the Divine, Goddess Saraswati…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 1/31/2022
Metaphors are useful, no?
I’ve been hung up on the idea of “activation energy.” Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for this concept…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 01/24/2022
Over the break I discovered the work of the poet Andrea Gibson (they/them). Andrea writes of heartache, of anger, of loneliness, of depression…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 12/06/2021
This past weekend had me thinking quite a bit about love, loss and true beauty. I was wrapping Christmas gifts for friends and family…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 11/29/2021
Ready for more of my trademark longwinded thoughts? If so, read on…
Reflection by Sumi Kim, 11/1/2024
Is it true that “you can’t love others until you love yourself”?—Sumi Loundon Kim, Buddhist chaplain
This aphorism that “you can’t love others…
Reflection by Ian Oliver, 10/15/2021
I was talking with students about how it seemed to me that folks at Yale were adapting to the shocking reality of being back in person…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 10/11/2021
“It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” -Rumi
This quote by 13th-century Muslim poet, Rumi…
Reflection by Tammie McKenzie, 10/4/2021
Live your life,
Live your life because each moment is filled with something new
Life is beautiful…
Reflection by Rende Wilson, Senior Administrative Assistant, 09/27/2021
As the world is trying to return to normal, how do you feel? Does it make you feel anxious, scared, happy, sad? I’m sure all these things…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 9/20/2021
In sitting down to reflect for this entry, I realized in a moment that I’m not so sure I’ve truly had an original thought in about a year…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 9/13/2021
With the beginning of the academic year we are also entering a new Jewish year, 5782, and are now in the holiest part of the Jewish year…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 9/06/2021
As we start this new academic year, many of us are experiencing a fragile state of being. We are returning to classes…