
Our office runs specific religious programming for a variety of Religious Groups: to learn more about those, visit our pages on Faith Communities at Yale.

Our Programming

  • Spring Break New Haven

    A yearly spring break immersion trip for students interested in learning more about the Elm City, run by the Chaplain’s Office

  • Cookies & Coloring

    A weekly study break on Thursdays from 4-5 pm in Breathing Space. Color, chat and de-stress with fresh cookies (gluten free options always available.)

  • W{holy} Queer

    Monthly dinner discussions for people of all spiritual identities about the intersection of religious life and queerness.

  • Global Grounds

    A weekly weekend Coffee House open Fridays from 10pm to 2 am with free tea, coffee and food, and a wide variety of board games.

  • IFFY

    The InterFaith Forum at Yale: weekly dinners for undergraduates of all religious and spiritual traditions to build community and nurture conversation.