Consider This Archive: 2020-2021
Consider This Archive: 2020 - 2021
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 05/03/2021
Last Wednesday if you were on campus in New Haven, you might have been enjoying a sunny day, you might have been exhaling a bit as spring was…
Reflection by John Daoud, MY '21 and Chaplain's Office PL, 04/26/2021
This week is Holy Week for Orthodox Christians all over the world. For me, that usually means a couple hours of services every day, on top of…
Reflection by Sr. Jen Schaaf, Assistant Chaplain with Saint Thomas More Catholic Chapel
In many Christian churches, this past weekend, the reading from the Gospel of John focused on the disciples of Jesus hiding in a room together…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 04/05/2021
I was fortunate enough to get my first vaccine this weekend. As I sat in the gymnasium waiting the 15 minutes until I could leave I was struck by…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 03/29/2021
Paradoxical thinking—a buzzword that’s become helpful for (re)framing a variety of the problems that occur in our lives. It means being able to…
Reflection by Asha Shipman, 03/22/2021
Hello everyone and happy Spring! Pulitzer prize-winning poet Mary Oliver asks her readers “ Listen – are you breathing just a little and calling…
Reflection by Jenny Peek, 03/15/2021
Now that the one-year anniversary of COVID has arrived, I feel myself trying to make sense of it all. What have I learned this year? How have I…
Reflection by Rendé Wilson, Senior Administrative Assistant, 03/08/2021
Has it really been a year already? Take this time to reflect on what your life has been like this past year. Have you found more time…
Reflection by Debra Rohr, Chaplaincy Manager, 03/01/2021
Last February I started taking ukulele lessons at a nearby music academy. With COVID, the lessons moved to online starting in July…
Reflection by Ian Oliver, 2/22/2021
The normal Yale-ish expectations say “no.” Every day must be an excellent day. And every day must be more excellent than the one before…
Reflection by Sumi Kim, 02/15/2021
In a typical class or meeting on Zoom, what percentage of the time are you looking at yourself versus at others? Personally, I’m…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 2/8/2021
“The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.” -Rumi
This quote by 13th-century Muslim mystic poet, Rumi, can be read in many ways. On one level…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 2/1/2021
As we begin this new semester and find ourselves 11 months into this global pandemic I hope that we can continue to be gentle with ourselves…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 01/21/2021
My Beloved Yale Family,
We start this semester with a bit of a limp. Our exhaustion from the previous months…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 11/23/2020
During this time of wintery darkness, continuing multiple unknowns, in a year of heartbreak, fear, chaos and profound loss…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 11/16/2020
So, we’ve “made it” through. The last week of classes. The precipice of Thanksgiving break. The beginning of the end. Rejoice. I find…
Reflection by Rendé Wilson, Senior Administrative Assistant, 11/09/2020
Over the last few weeks with the weather changing, I think I am experiencing a certain sense of withdrawal, not quite a depression, but just…
Reflection by Xán Miñán, Chaplain’s Office Woodbridge Fellow, 10/26/2020
I recently turned 23. Typical for a birthday—perhaps especially so for the first since graduating into a new chapter of life, and also…
Reflection by Debra Rohr, Chaplaincy Manager, 10/19/2020
The Christian meaning of grace is “the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings…
Reflection by Jenny Peek, 10/12/2020
Lately, I have sought to cope with the brokenness in our world by turning to the wisdom of my elders. My grandmother’s worn Bible sits…
Reflection by Sumi Kim, 10/05/2020
When I was 24, I decided to pray for 30 days to find out whether it worked. At first, because the Buddhist tradition in which I was raised…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 9/28/2020
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.”
I reflected on this quote by the Persian poet…
Reflection by Asha Shipman, 9/21/2020
In the beginning of this season of pandemic my internal GPS had to launch a route recalculation practically every day…
Reflection by Ian Oliver, 9/07/2020
I’ve been wondering if spirituality is something extra that we add on top of all our normal work, activities and habits…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 8/31/2020
As we begin this new academic year, a year that does not look or feel like any other we can remember, as we leave a summer of heartache, protests…