Consider This Archive: 2022-2023
Consider This Archive: 2022-2023
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 05/01/2023
In a few weeks, I will be retiring from my role as the University Chaplain at Yale and this will mark the end of 33 years of chaplaincy work…
Reflection by Ruhi Khan, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason, 04/24/2023
The end of Ramadan has brought a lot of excitement with events, henna, and of course Eid with my parents coming to pray with me. As I have been…
Reflection by Sumi Kim, 04/17/2023
This Summer, Consider Going on a Retreat
Imagine a jar filled with water and baking soda. Shake the jar, and the water becomes cloudy with swirls of…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 04/10/2023
This season is an incredibly important one in many religious calendars around the world. Yesterday millions of Christians celebrated Easter…
Reflection by Lukas Bacho, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason, 04/03/2023
This week is a major week—perhaps the major week—of the Christian calendar. The liturgy recounts and enacts the dramatic arc from Jesus’s…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 03/27/2023
The Muslim lunar month of Ramadan started last Thursday, March 23rd. For over 1.7 billion Muslims around the world, Ramadan is the most sacred…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 03/06/2023
In a few short days, I’m planning to take a group of 200 people (including 26 Yalies) on a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, inshallah (God-willing)…
Reflection by Meg Dreany, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason, 02/27/2023
Oftentimes, I find myself blinking and realizing that an entire week has gone by and I didn’t even realize it. Being present is something that…
Reflection by Andrea Chow, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason
I’ve been thinking about this quote and this drawing by artist Airidescence lately. In both the season of Valentine’s Day as well as in popular…
Reflection by Ian Oliver, 02/13/2023
On campus, February (rather than April) is the cruelest month. It’s grey outside. It’s cold…
Reflection by Alex Rocha-Álvarez, Chaplain's Office Woodbridge Fellow, 02/06/2023
When I pray these days, I ask for the strength to take up my place in the world. I ask for help acting with compassion, with bravery, with humility…
Reflection by Jenny Peek, 01/30/2023
Start close in,don’t take the second stepor the third,start with the firstthingclose in,the stepyou don’t want to take…
Reflection by Carla Rangel, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason, 1/20/2023
One day, we will all look back at our time at Yale. Personally, I want to remember the spontaneous trips to Milkcraft, the walks down Grove Street…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 01/16/2023
Welcome back everyone! I hope that you were able to enjoy some time of rest over break and even perhaps some playfulness and contemplation. I list…
Reflection by Alex Rocha-Álvarez, Chaplain's Office Woodbridge Fellow, 12/12/2022
The first snow! It’s been a long time coming and yet timed out almost perfectly–on the Sunday after the last week of classes, as we geared up for…
Reflection by Asha Shipman, 12/05/2022
“You shine, all living things emerge. You disappear, they go to rest. Recognizing our innocence, O golden-haired Sun, arise; let each day be better…
Reflection by Sarah Malcom, Yale Religious Ministries, 11/28/2022
As December approaches, and Christmas with it, our community will suddenly be ablaze with light. Lights strung across dorm rooms, wrapped around…
Reflection by Lukas Bacho, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason, 11/14/2022
Last Friday, the Yale and Princeton Glee Clubs got together for our first in-person joint concert since the start of the pandemic. After we warmed…
Reflection by Andrew Chow, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason, 11/7/2022
This past week, my friend and I went to the YSO show. It was the most fun I’ve had during my time at Yale thus far. If you didn’t get tickets this…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 10/31/2022
I was having a conversation the other day about what it means to be a supportive friend. Someone this person was close to was suffering and they…
Reflection by Jenny Peek, 10/24/2022
I’ve been thinking a lot about grief lately. A few months ago, I became a new parent. Being a new mom has been joyful, chaotic, and wonderful…
Reflection by Alex Rocha-Álvarez, Chaplain's Office Woodbridge Fellow, 10/17/2022
In Lak’ech
”Tú eres mi otro yo.You are my other me.Si te hago daño a ti,If I do harm to you,Me hago daño a mi mismo.I do harm to myself…
Reflection by Sumi Kim, 10/10/2022
It’s a fact, says Buddhism, that we’ll experience discomfort, stress, and even suffering in life —not always, to be sure, but at least some…
Reflection by Alex Rocha-Álvarez, Chaplain's Office Woodbridge Fellow, 10/03/2022
Every time I see a new leaf turning, I brace myself a little bit. I spent most of my summer getting to know New Haven’s trees–giant, green beauties…
Reflection by Ian Oliver, 09/26/2022
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time…
Reflection by Omer Bajwa, 09/19/2022
“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” -Rumi
We live in a world of constant noise that is filled with the seemingly incessant din…
Reflection by Maytal Saltiel, 09/12/2022
As September starts to gear up, my calendar reminds me of the continuous grind of the semester. The beautiful summer days are slipping away…
Reflection by Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, 09/05/2022
Welcome to the new academic year! It has been wonderful to see so many new people in person and to refresh old friendships in these few short weeks…