Consider This: 02/27/2023

By Meg Dreany, Chaplain's Office Peer Liason | Monday, February 27, 2023

Oftentimes, I find myself blinking and realizing that an entire week has gone by and I didn’t even realize it. Being present is something that I struggle with, especially in the
context of the institution that is Yale. Everywhere we are surrounded by the hustle culture and constantly fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. It is an endless
cycle of compare and repeat - and it truly doesn’t benefit us. There is so much beauty and joy in the little things spread throughout our day - stopping to take a longer look at the majestic architecture around us, smiling at that friend from section, or even getting a few more hours of sleep. Try to find joy in the little things and recognize that you should be so incredibly proud of yourself. I know I can sound like a broken record, but my best advice, especially to the First Years, is to do things that make you happy. It is as simple as that. Audition for that show, take that niche class, or drop the major. You’ve got this and we are all rooting for you!!!!!