The semester is well underway, and alongside all the projects and plans and performances, come conflicts and late nights and worries. For me, I can feel like I’m standing in the water and the level is steadily rising. This person is mad at me and I can’t make them happy – the water rises to my knees. I’ve put off my work, and now I have several major deadlines tomorrow – and the water comes up to my waist. I had fun plans for the weekend, but now I’ve been told I have to come in to my job – and the water rises to my chest.
Yes, the water’s rising, but Isaiah 42 reminds me: “ When you pass through the waters, they will not overwhelm you.” Sometimes it feels like the pressures are building up higher and higher, but I can remember the times in the past when I persevered and got through it. I can ask for inner calm, and the grace to take the problems apart and deal with each one rather than let them add up. Things may get rough, but ultimately, I am cared for, watched over and guided.