Consider This: 09/03/2024

By Maytal Saltiel | Tuesday, September 3, 2024

From Maytal Saltiel’s Opening Invocation Address:

Loving and holy spirit called on by many names; creator and sustainer of life, we gather here today with anticipation and nervousness.

As we embark on this next academic year hold us gently and with care. May our time on this beautiful campus be full of transformation and growth.

May we be open to the light other members of this community bring to our lives, be present to one another’s truths even when they make us uncomfortable.

May we allow ourselves to experience awe and surprise, in wonder of wisdom and creation.

As the world overflows with brokenness and heartache, may this be a year of tenderness, mending, trust building, and renewal.

Remind us to be humble before the vast knowledge of the universe, wisdom that is known, not yet known, and unknowable.

Spirit of wonder and delight, help us to embrace vulnerability and grace, to know human beings are not perfect and there is beauty and room for growth in the imperfections.

Help us continue to move forward despite the fears and worries that linger in our minds. Remind us that failure leads to innovation and creativity. Remind us to play and search for deep abiding joy. Help us find our purpose.

Sacred breath of the universe,

We come here today as the fruition of our ancestors’ wildest dreams; may we live into being good ancestors ourselves. We have inherited knowledge and traditions, may these inform us as we work together towards building a better future for all.

May we embark on this journey and grow from strength to strength, with compassion, curiosity, and love, as we say Amen.