

The Musallah opens in Bingham as a dedicated Muslim Prayer space.


First self-identified Pagan/Wiccan student matriculates to Yale College.


Sohaib Sultan is hired as Muslim Fellow of the Chaplain’s office, the first Muslim employee.

In the wake of a report by the University Council Committee on Religious and Spiritual Life at Yale, the position of University Chaplain is separated from Pastor of the University Church, opening the way for chaplains who are not ordained Christian ministers and better reflecting the variety of religious needs on Yale’s campus.

The first Hindu Diwali Puja is celebrated at Yale, a tradition that has been celebrated every year since.


In 2007, Sharon Kugler is installed as the seventh university chaplain: she was the first woman, first Catholic, and first lay-person to serve in the role.

Sharon Kugler

Sharon M. K. Kugler, Seventh University Chaplain (2007-2023)

Sharon Kugler, a white woman with shoulder length grey hair, smiling in front of collegiate gothic architecture


First self-identified Sikh student matriculates in Yale College.