Religious Diversity at Yale: accessible data


All years are represented for all freshmen students. The religious statistics form was not optional at the time. 

The first Buddhist freshman student was recorded in the class of 1934. The first self-identified agnostic is in the class of 1934 and the first Atheist in the class of 1939.

Catholic: 11.77%

Orthodox Christian: 0.10%

Episcopalian: 33.77%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 6.09%

Methodist: 4.06%

Congregational: 12.46%

Presbytarian: 14.21%

Baptist: 1.82%

Christian Science: 1.86%

Lutheran: 1.28%

Reformed Church: 0.93%

Mormon/LDS: 0.03%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.46%

Jewish: 10.08%

Agnostic/Atheist: 0.12%

Other Religion: 0.03%

Buddhist: 0.02%


All years are represented for freshmen students. Due to World War II, this decade’s statistics are compiled from 19 different records. Classes from 1945 to 1950 each had two to four different graduating classes of students, based on when the student returned from the war.

The first Baha’i freshman student was recorded in the class of 1948J. The first Muslim freshman student was recorded in the class of 1944.

Catholic: 14.67%

Orthodox Christian: 0.31%

Episcopalian: 31.77%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 4.49%

Methodist: 4.49%

Congregational: 11.84%

Presbytarian: 12.46%

Baptist: 2.02%

Christian Science: 2.13%

Lutheran: 1.55%

Reformed Church: 0.72%

Mormon/LDS: 0.08%

Quaker/Friends: 0.28%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.32%

Jewish: 9.86%

Agnostic/Atheist: 0.07%

Other Religion: 0.04%

Buddhist: 0.05%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.02%

Unaffiliated: 3.57%

Muslim: 0.04%


Freshmen statistics are collected for the classes of 1950, 1950F, 1951, 1952, 1954 and 1955. Statistics for the 1956 and 1958 represent the entire undergraduate population. No statistics found for the classes of 1953, 1957 and 1959. 

The first Hindu freshman student was recorded in the class of 1956.

Catholic: 10.41%

Orthodox Christian: 0.42%

Episcopalian: 30.68%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 3.03%

Methodist: 6.42%

Congregational: 10.70%

Presbytarian: 12.52%

Baptist: 1.83%

Christian Science: 1.41%

Lutheran: 2.67%

Reformed Church: 0.72%

Mormon/LDS: 0.16%

Quaker/Friends: 0.19%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.44%

Jewish: 11.14%

Agnostic/Atheist: 0.84%

Other Religion: 0.09%

Buddhist: 0.01%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.01%

Unaffiliated: 5.36%

Muslim: 0.04%

Hindu: 0.01%


Statistics for 1963-1967 recorded for the entire undergraduate population. No statistics found for the classes of 1960, 1961, 1962, 1968 and 1969.

Catholic: 13.38%

Orthodox Christian: 0.59%

Episcopalian: 25.63%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 4.83%

Methodist: 6.81%

Congregational: 7.34%

Presbytarian: 11.28%

Baptist: 1.98%

Christian Science: 0.57%

Lutheran: 3.61%

Reformed Church: 0.62%

Mormon/LDS: 0.27%

Quaker/Friends: 0.37%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.98%

Jewish: 11.40%

Agnostic/Atheist: 0.13%

Other Religion: 0.60%

Buddhist: 0.12%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.03%

Unaffiliated: 8.45%

Muslim: 0.10%

Hindu: 0.01%


Freshmen statistics recorded for the class of 1970. No records found from 1971-1973. *Records found for 1974-1979 lumped all smaller religious affiliations into one “unaffiliated” group. These records significantly skew the records for this decade.

Catholic: 15.76%

Episcopalian: 7.80%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 9.64%

Methodist: 2.04%

Presbytarian: 4.29%

Baptist: 2.04%

Christian Science: 0.08%

Lutheran: 1.92%

United Church of Christ: 2.17%

Mennonite/Bretheren: 0.73%

Quaker/Friends: 0.05%

Unitarian Universalist: 0.23%

Jewish: 19.60%

Agnostic/Atheist: 0.12%

Muslim: 0.05%

Unaffiliated/Other Religion: 33.52%


Records only found for 1980-1982. The records lumped all smaller religious affiliations into one “unaffiliated” group. These records significantly skew the records for this decade.

Catholic: 16.38%

Episcopalian: 5.57%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 8.86%

Methodist: 1.68%

Presbytarian: 2.58%

Baptist: 1.63%

Lutheran: 1.50%

United Church of Christ: 0.62%

Jewish: 13.14%

Unaffiliated/Other Religion: 48.09%


Records found only for the classes of 1991, 1996, 1997 and 1998.

The first freshman Zoroastrian student identified in the class of 1991. The first freshman Jain student identified in the class of 1996. 

Catholic: 24.75%

Orthodox Christian: 1.72%

Episcopalian: 4.64%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 7.41%

Methodist: 7.20%

Presbytarian: 8.02%

Baptist: 7.20%

Christian Science: 0.14%

Lutheran: 2.54%

Reformed Church: 0.35%

United Church of Christ: 4.05%

Mennonite/Brethren: 0.07%

Mormon/LDS: 0.69%

Quaker/Friends: 0.69%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.03%

Jewish: 15.43%

Agnostic/Atheist: 7.82%

Buddhist: 0.42%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.07%

Unaffiliated: 1.38%

Muslim: 0.83%

Hindu: 1.38%

Zoroastrian: 0.07%


Records found for this decade only represent the classes of 2005-2008.

The first self-identified Pagan/Wiccan student was in the class of 2006.

Catholic: 27.17%

Episcopalian: 6.17%

Protestant - Other/Non denominational: 9.44%

Methodist: 3.43%

Presbytarian: 4.34%

Baptist: 2.75%

Christian Science: 0.10%

Lutheran: 2.43%

Reformed Church: 0.72%

Mennonite/Brethren: 0.10%

Pentecostal: 0.69%

Mormon/LDS: 0.25%

Quaker/Friends: 0.44%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.13%

Jewish: 19.88%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.13%

Hindu: 1.94%

Zoroastrian: 0.04%

Pagan/Wiccan: 0.04%

Atheist: 0.53%

Agnostic: 0.69%


Statistics in this graph represent the classes of 2010-2020 (11 years total). 

The first self-identified Sikh student is in the class of 2012.

Catholic: 26.19%

Orthodox Christian: 1.53%

Episcopalian: 4.64%

Methodist: 2.43%

Congregational: 0.33%

Presbytarian: 3.12%

Baptist: 2.73%

Christian Science: 0.11%

United Church of Christ: 0.69%

Mennonite/Brethren: 0.03%

Pentecostal: 1.13%

Non Denominational/Christian: 4.57%

Evangelical: 0.36%

Other – Christian: 5.79%

Anglican: 0.51%

Assembly of God: 0.17%

Seventh Day Adventist: 0.51%

Quaker/Friends: 0.50%

Unitarian Universalist: 1.34%

Jewish: 16.42%

Other Religion: 0.36%

Buddhist: 1.95%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.15%

Muslim: 3.16%

Hindu: 3.03%

Zoroastrian: 0.02%

Pagan/Wiccan: 0.02%

Atheist: 5.24%

Agnostic: 4.58%

Native American: 0.08%

None listed/unaffiliated: 6.14%

Jain: 0.09%

Humanist: 0.17%

Sikh: 0.24%



Catholic: 21.10%

Orthodox Christian: 1.80%

Episcopalian: 3.20%

Methodist: 2.00%

Presbytarian: 3.90%

Baptist: 3.20%

Lutheran: 1.50%

United Church of Christ: 0.60%

Pentecostal: 1.20%

Non Denominational/Christian: 8.30%

Other – Christian: 0.70%

Seventh Day Adventist: 0.20%

Mormon/LDS: 0.20%

Quaker/Friends: 0.10%

Unitarian Universalist: 0.60%

Jewish: 9.90%

Other Religion: 0.30%

Buddhist: 2.20%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.07%

Unaffiliated: 1.10%

Muslim: 3.60%

Hindu: 3.30%

Zoroastrian: 0.04%

Pagan/Wiccan: 0.08%

Atheist: 11.20%

Agnostic: 18.50%

Jain: 0.17%

Sikh: 0.60%

Unaffiliated: 1.10%

Indigenous Traditions: 0.12%

Shinto: 0.09%

Daoism: 0.04%


Catholic: 20.50%

Orthodox Christian: 2.10%

Episcopalian: 2.70%

Methodist: 2.00%

Presbytarian: 3.80%

Baptist: 3.40%

Lutheran: 1.30%

United Church of Christ: 0.70%

Pentecostal: 1.20%

Non Denominational/Christian: 8.60%

Other – Christian: 0.70%

Seventh Day Adventist: 0.30%

Mormon/LDS: 0.20%

Quaker/Friends: 0.11%

Unitarian Universalist: 0.40%

Jewish: 10.10%

Other Religion: 0.60%

Buddhist: 2.20%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.04%

Unaffiliated: 0.90%

Muslim: 4.70%

Hindu: 3.20%

Zoroastrian: 0.04%

Pagan/Wiccan: 0.11%

Atheist: 10.60%

Agnostic: 18.30%

Jain: 0.10%

Sikh: 0.50%

Unaffiliated: 0.90%

Indigenous Traditions: 0.14%

Shinto: 0.08%

Daoism: 0.02%


Catholic: 20.00%

Orthodox Christian: 2.30%

Episcopalian: 2.60%

Methodist: 1.80%

Presbytarian: 4.00%

Baptist: 3.10%

Lutheran: 1.20%

United Church of Christ: 0.60%

Pentecostal: 1.20%

Non Denominational/Christian: 8.90%

Other – Christian: 0.80%

Seventh Day Adventist: 0.30%

Mormon/LDS: 0.30%

Quaker/Friends: 0.08%

Unitarian Universalist: 0.30%

Jewish: 10.20%

Other Religion: 0.60%

Buddhist: 2.20%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.40%

Unaffiliated: 0.70%

Muslim: 4.50%

Hindu: 3.50%

Zoroastrian: 0.04%

Pagan/Wiccan: 0.12%

Atheist: 11.20%

Agnostic: 18.20%

Jain: 0.07%

Sikh: 0.60%

Unaffiliated: 0.70%

Indigenous Traditions: 11.00%

Shinto: 0.02%

Daoism: 0.02%


Catholic: 19.40%

Orthodox Christian: 2.50%

Episcopalian: 3.00%

Methodist: 1.70%

Presbytarian: 3.60%

Baptist: 2.60%

Lutheran: 1.10%

Pentecostal: 1.30%

Non Denominational/Christian: 9.70%

Other – Christian: 0.60%

Seventh Day Adventist: 0.30%

Quaker/Friends: 0.06%

Unitarian Universalist: 0.10%

Jewish: 9.50%

Buddhist: 1.90%

Baháʼí Faith: 0.01%

Muslim: 6.10%

Hindu: 3.60%

Zoroastrian: 0.09%

Pagan/Wiccan: 0.17%

Atheist: 12%

Agnostic: 17.50%

Jain: 0.10%

Humanist: 0.30%

Sikh: 0.30%

Unaffiliated: 0.30%

Other: 0.70%

Indigenous Traditions: 0.23%

Shinto: 0.02%

Daoism: 0.07%