
The Musalla is Yale’s dedicated Muslim prayer space. As a “port in the storm” in the midst of Yale life, it offers a welcoming and hospitable environment for religious and social gatherings.  It hosts regular congregational prayers, MSA meetings, Halaqas, and community events.  It is, in many ways, the locus of Muslim Life at Yale. 

For more information on Muslim Life at Yale, please visit the Muslim life site, or contact Omer Bajwa, the Director of Muslim Life for Yale University.

24 hour access to the Musalla is available.  To receive a key, please come and see Tammie McKenzie in Breathing Space, in the basement of Welch C.  Please bring your Yale ID and a deposit of $10 in cash, refundable on the return of your key after graduation.

♿Accessibility Information

The Musalla is next to the Chaplain’s Office, where the primary door (Bingham D) leads directly to a flight of stairs down.  There is also a ramped entrance to Bingham C, from which you can take the elevator down to the basement level. The Musalla room is the second room on your right after exiting the elevator.

An accessible bathroom is just across the corridor.

This is a shoes off space! Please remove your shoes before entering.