Native American Traditions

Traditional Native American religious and spiritual practices are hugely diverse and varied, reflecting a range of beliefs and practices from over five hundred different Native American tribes, many of which have differing spiritual practices and schools of thought within them. Within this range of beliefs, individual practitioners may describe themselves as monotheistic, pantheistic, shamanistic, animist, agnostic, atheist, or any combination of the above.  Many spiritual traditions are also sometimes practiced syncretically with other religious traditions.

If you are a member of this community and/or would like to receive more information about Native American Traditions, please email the University Chaplain Maytal Saltiel

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a silhouette of a black feather

In choosing a symbol to stand for so many varied beliefs and practices, we choose the basic feather, since feathers from various birds are used by many tribes in belief, stories, and regalia. It does not represent the direct faith of one, but the commonalities and diversities of Native American spiritual beliefs.