Religious Literacy Glossary

Helpful Vocabulary

  • Monotheism: Belief that there is one God.
  • Polytheism: Belief in many Gods.
  • Pantheism: Belief that all things in the universe are God, or that God is the forces of the universe.
  • Deism: Belief that the universe was created by a God who does not intervene in it.
  • Pandeism: Belief that God created the universe and became it, and is no longer distinguishable from or able to act upon the universe.
  • Animism: Belief that plants, animals and other objects possess a soul.
  • Agnosticism: Belief that whether or not there is a God is unknowable.
  • Atheism: Belief that there is no God.
  • Dharmic Religion: religious traditions from the Indian subcontinent.
  • Abrahamic Religion: monotheistic religions which believe God revealed Himself to Abraham.
  • Syncretism: The combination of traditions and practices from multiple different religions.