Hinduism is a dharmic religion from India, sometimes known as the world’s oldest religion. Hinduism is a diverse religion with many schools of thought, and individual Hindus can range from polytheist, pantheist, pandeist, monotheist, agnostic or atheist. Modern Hinduism is practiced across the world and has over 1.2 billion adherents, making it the world’s third largest religion.
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Aum, written as “Om”, is the most important Hindu symbol. Om is considered the primordial sound, the first breath of creation. The Om sign also signifies God, creation, and the oneness of all creations of God. This sacred sound is also considered the greatest of all mantras.
Asha Shipman is the Director of Hindu Life. Her office is in Breathing Space, located in the basement of Welch Hall accessible via Entryway C. If you have a question and/or would like to meet, please e-mail her at asha.shipman@yale.edu. The Yale Hindu Students Organization (HSO) is an undergraduate student organization whose vision is to promote an awareness of Hinduism within the Yale and New Haven community - learn more on their website. They organize the annual Yale Diwali Puja, Holi and a variety of other festival celebrations and cultural events throughout the course of the year. Events are meant to stimulate an exchange of ideas on religion, and are above all educational.
For more information, explore Hindu Life at Yale.

The Yale Hindu Prayer Room is located in the basement (room 014) of Bingham Hall. The room is meant as a prayer space and also as a venue for small community events, such as HSO’s pujas, and study breaks. Learn more.