Buddhism is a spiritual tradition founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in the 6th century BCE in northern India. The teachings center on overcoming suffering through ethical living, meditation, and wisdom. Today, Buddhism is practiced globally, and is the world’s fourth largest religion with over half a billion followers.
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The Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) represents the Buddha’s teachings of the path to nirvana. The eight spokes stand for the Noble Eightfold Path as laid out by the Buddha, describing a system of conduct, meditation, and wisdom that leads to awakening.
The Buddhist community at Yale is beautifully diverse, welcoming students from a wide range of Buddhist lineages as well as a large number from other faith traditions and no religious background. The community is supported by Yale’s Buddhist chaplain, Rev. Sumi Loundon Kim, who teaches most of the Sunday and Wednesday evening programs on meditation and Buddhist thought as well as provides individual pastoral counseling. She works closely with the undergraduate-led Yale Buddhist Student Community (YBSC) in hosting additional social events, book club, text study, special talks, noteworthy teachers, community meals, crafts, and Buddhist celebrations. To learn more, visit the Buddhist Life at Yale website, join the student group on Yale Connect, or email buddhist.community@yale.edu

Yale’s Buddhist Shrine is in the base of Harkness Tower in Branford College. Learn more about the space.
The Buddha Shrine in Harkness Tower is open during the fall and spring semesters Sunday to Thursday from 4-10pm. When there is no program scheduled, students are welcome to meditate, do quiet practice, and use the lending library. There will always be a student attendant present if you have questions about appropriate use of the space.
Within the semester, we have Meditation & Buddhist Teachings sessions on Sundays and Wednesdays at 7pm. On Sundays at 8pm, we have a Tea & Mochi Social Hour. These programs are for currently enrolled undergrad and graduate students at Yale.
For a calendar of events and the most up to date information, please visit the YBSC site on Yale Connect.
Buddhist Holy Days, 2024-2025 Academic Year
Past Event: Autumn Moon Festival (Buddhism)
Past Event: Buddha's Descent (Buddhism)
Past Event: Bodhi Day (Buddhism)
Past Event: Sangha Day (Buddhism)
Past Event: Buddha's Passing (Buddhism)