Ian Oliver, a bald white man with short grey hair and a grey beard, smiling towards the camera in a cream colored suit.

Ian Oliver

Senior Associate Chaplain for Protestant Life and Pastor, University Church in Yale
Chaplain's Office

Ian Oliver is Pastor of the University Church, leading weekly Christian worship, preaching, teaching and learning from the amazing group of students and older adults who form the congregation.   In addition, he liaises with all the Protestant/Evangelical/Pentecostal Christian ministries on campus on behalf of the university.  He is also an instructor in interfaith leadership at the Yale Divinity School.

Previously, he was University Chaplain at Bucknell University, and Associate Chaplain at the Kodaikanal International School in South India.  He studied at Amherst College and the University of Chicago Divinity School.

His most recent publications on chaplaincy include a sermon “Dispatches from the Front Lines” in the Yale Divinity School magazine “Reflections” and an essay “In Coffin’s Pulpit:  Re-envisioning Protestant Religious Culture” in College and University Chaplaincy in the 21st Century (Lucy Forster-Smith, ed., SkyLight Paths, 2013).

Ian has also served as a consultant visiting campuses to lead workshops on “Secularity and the Liberal Arts,” helping campuses understand how their religious/secular identity can effect student learning.

Some of Ian’s sermons can be found on the University Church in Yale YouTube page.

Contact Info


203 432 1131