Chitra, a south asian woman with shoulder length dark hair, smiling and sitting on a stoop

Chitra Kavoor

Ministry Fellow
Christian Union

Born and raised in India, Chitra has a BA in Psychology and Sociology and an MBA. After work in the corporate sector, she moved with her husband to serve the church in the UK. While raising three children and supporting her husband in ministry in Derby, Birmingham and Bristol, she managed a graduate center run by University of Birmingham and the Selly Oak Federation of Mission Colleges, UK, offering training in the areas of management, leadership development and cross-cultural mission. She was also involved in university ministry during her time there.

Three years ago, in another continental maneuver, they found themselves in New Haven USA, following God’s call to ministry in the city.  Chitra encountered Christian Union through its then student executive members and was drawn to the mission and vision of CU for university contexts such as Yale. Investing in the development of young Christian student leaders, who could have a profound influence for the glory of God in the US and beyond was a powerful vision and Chitra felt the strong call of God to actively participate in it.  She has worked as a Ministry Fellow with CU Lux for over 6 years. 

To see her students grow in faith during their time at Yale and discover more of the immense potential that God has designed for each of them brings her great joy! 

In her free time, Chitra enjoys playing tennis, walking, exploring the subject of nutrition, cooking healthy, and being hospitable. She loves stocking up the ‘Mouse’(the student hangout space) with a variety of teas and other delicious things. So stop by to meet her for a cuppa, snack, and a chat! 

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