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Muslim community at Yale and in New Haven celebrate Ramadan
Throughout Ramadan, members of Yale’s Muslim Student Association have observed the holy month with prayer and communal gatherings — and even with…
New chaplain says God is not dead at Yale
In 1951, fearing his alma mater had acceded its Christian character to proselytizing Marxists and an irreligious chaplaincy, one concerned alumnus…
‘Home away from home’: students find community in celebrating spring religious holidays
As many Yalies are preparing to observe some of the most important holy days of the year, the News spoke with campus religious leaders who…
Poet and writer Ross Gay visits Yale
How do we think about joy and delight?
On Wednesday afternoon, poet and writer Ross Gay spoke to a crowd in Battell Chapel about how joy can help…
PROFILE: Meet Maytal Saltiel, Yale's first Jewish University Chaplain
The walls of Maytal Saltiel’s office — where she now serves as the University Chaplain after being appointed to the position in January — are…