The Dharma Wheel (Dharmachakra) represents the Buddha’s teachings of the path to nirvana. The eight spokes stand for the Noble Eightfold Path as laid out by the Buddha, describing a system of conduct, meditation, and wisdom that leads to awakening.
Rev. Sumi Loundon Kim serves as the Buddhist chaplain. She teaches most of the evening sessions with students in the Yale Buddhist Student Community, providing a thorough introduction to meditation practice and Buddhist teachings as they apply to everyday life. She also provides pastoral counseling individually. If you have a question and/or would like to meet, please e-mail sumi.kim@yale.edu.
The student-led Yale Buddhist Student Community welcomes all enrolled undergraduate and graduate students to support each other through the study and practice of Buddhist meditation and thought. The YBSC hosts a number of events, including book club, chanting, special talks, noteworthy teachers, meals, crafts, and Buddhist celebrations. The YBSC coordinates with the Buddhist chaplain and the Chaplain’s Office, as well as connects with other student groups and Buddhist communities in New Haven and beyond. For more information, visit Buddhist Life at Yale, join the student group on Yale Connect, or email us at buddhist.community@yale.edu.
The Buddha Shrine in Harkness Chapel is open during the fall and spring semesters from Sunday to Thursday 4-10pm. It is located on the first floor of Harkness Tower in Branford College. When there is no program scheduled, students are welcome to meditate, do quiet practice, and use the lending library. There will always be a student attendant present if you have questions about appropriate use of the space. Please remove your shoes before entering the Shrine Room.
You can learn more on the Buddhist Life Website
Sunday @ 7 PM: Meditation & Reflection