Yale Humanist Community
Chris Stedman is a Fellow of Davenport College at Yale and Executive Director of the Yale Humanist Community. Previously a Humanist chaplain at Harvard University, he is the author of Faitheist: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious. A Contributing Editor at Religion News Service, Chris is a committed Humanist and interfaith activist and previously served as the co-founder and Emeritus Managing Director of State of Formation at the Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue and a Content Developer and Adjunct Trainer for Interfaith Youth Core.
Chris received a B.A. in Religion from Augsburg College and an M.A. in Religion from Meadville Lombard Theological School at the University of Chicago (with dual concentrations in Pastoral Care & Counseling and Religion & the Arts). His favorite quote was written by agnostic astronomer Carl Sagan: “For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” What makes the vastness bearable for Chris is the love and meaning he finds with others in community. That, and long walks with his dog Tuna.