Athletes in Action


Colleen (McCormack) Rice (Yale Women’s Soccer, BR ‘17) is the staff leader of Athletes in Action at Yale. If you have any questions and/or would like to schedule a meeting, please email her at

Mitchell Tyler is one of our student leaders and would love to connect with you if you have any questions or interest. You can email him at

Faith Community: 

Athletes in Action (AIA) is a student-led sports ministry dedicated to building a community of fellowship founded in the loving character of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see ourselves, our community and the world deeply changed by the love of Christ. We welcome people of all backgrounds to explore the Christian faith. We meet weekly during the academic year and have Bible studies throughout the week, fellowship activities, and retreats throughout the year. To explore the national organization of AIA, please click here for lots of resources, info, and videos about programs. To be included on the email list so you can stay up-to-date on all our activities, please email Colleen.


Large Group – Joyful fellowship. Authentic relationships. Welcoming worship. Practical talks. Fun games. Those are the key aspects to our weekly time together, which always serves as an important hour of rest and encouragement. We meet Tuesday nights at 9pm, in the RTH Varsity Room.

Life Groups – We offer weekly small groups to develop deeper relationships with God and with one another. There is always a welcoming spirit, an open discussion, and study of God’s Word. Email Colleen to be included!

Frosh Group – One of our small groups is dedicated to first-years only! Join for a safe space of building friendships and discussing life and God. Email Colleen for the weekly time & location.

Fellowship Activity – Varying from week to week, these include s’mores, bowling, game nights, movie nights, etc. We also try to attend as many athletic events together as possible. All are welcome!

Retreats – We host a Yale-specific retreat in the Fall semester, and we attend the Northeast Regional AIA retreat in the Spring semester (late January/early February).