Sr. Jenn Schaaf

Sr. Jenn Schaaf's picture
Assistant Roman Catholic Chaplain, St. Thomas More Chapel & Center


Sr. Jenn Schaaf, native of Washington state, is a Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY. She holds a Bachelors in Music Education and a Masters in Pastoral Ministry from the University of Portland, Oregon. Before joining the Saint Thomas More team in 2013, she served in campus ministry at Ohio Dominican University where she focused on liturgical music, retreats and developing alternative spring break programs. Prior to attending the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate in Saint Louis, MO, she served as Communications Director for her congregation. Sr. Jenn has been on the coordinating team for the Dominican College Preaching Conference since 2005 and recently accompanied a group of young adults to Bogota, Colombia for the International Dominican Youth Movement World Meeting.